Bake. Rise. Reign

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BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes

Intense Brownies

My son wanted me to entitle this entry as Gabi’s Intense Brownies. He claims that had it not been for him, this particular recipe would not be on my list. My son is a picky eater – he doesn’t like nuts (except if they’re pistachios, almonds, or cashews); he doesn’t like chocolate chips; he doesn’t …

mango bars
BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes

Fresh Mango Bars

Yes, this recipe uses fresh mangoes. The first time I tasted a mango bar was during my dad’s wake (sorry, morbid, I know). I won’t get into what wakes are like in the Philippines. Suffice to say, it was a slice forever etched in my memory. Back to the mango bar: this particular mango bar …

walnut cookies
Cookies & Bars Recipes Uncategorized

Walnut Cookies

Chinese New Year is just around the corner when all the shelves in the groceries are filled with nut cookies. Mostly these are almond cookies and cashew cookies. Walnut cookies, while also traditional, are not as ubiquitous yet walnuts symbolize happiness for the whole family. Lunar New Year cookies are simple, fuss-free and easy to …

sugee cookies
BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes

Sugee Cookies

Sugee Cookies are small pockets of deliciousness that releases crumbly morsels of roasted buttery goodness with every bite. These cookies are surprisingly one of the easiest cookies to make – a virtual fuss-free treat. Ghee is the star of this rich and sweet crunchy cookie. It is commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern and South …

BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes Uncategorized

Cashew Cookies

There is a special meaning to every type of traditional Chinese New Year cookie. Cashew nut cookies symbolize wealth because the shape and color of the nuts resemble ancient Chinese gold ingots. Cashew nut cookies seem to be a relatively modern-ish evolution of the more traditional peanut cookies which represent long life and good health. …

food for the gods
BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes

Food for the Gods

The first time I got ahold of a recipe for Food for the Gods was when my friend, Mike, asked me to teach him how to bake it. It was meant to be a gift to show-off to his then-I-Want-Her-To-Be-My-Girlfriend friend who supposedly, loves Food for the Gods. Up until then, I had only tasted …

BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes

Parmesan Puffs

My son loves Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers. I’ve been trying to find a relatively healthier option that can be baked at home. Luckily, I came across a gem of a recipe from British baker, Kate Shirazi. You can find this recipe in her book, Cookie Magic. I’ve baked these parmesan puffs several times now and …