Bake. Rise. Reign

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
banana coffee bread
BAKE Bread Recipes

Banana Coffee Bread

I’ve heard often enough that the easiest way to learn how to bake is to start with a banana bread. While the ubiquitous and comfortably familiar banana bread is a cinch to make, there’s actually more to baking a banana bread than meets the eye. If you’re just starting out on your Baking with the …

BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes Uncategorized

Cashew Cookies

There is a special meaning to every type of traditional Chinese New Year cookie. Cashew nut cookies symbolize wealth because the shape and color of the nuts resemble ancient Chinese gold ingots. Cashew nut cookies seem to be a relatively modern-ish evolution of the more traditional peanut cookies which represent long life and good health. …

food for the gods
BAKE Cookies & Bars Recipes

Food for the Gods

The first time I got ahold of a recipe for Food for the Gods was when my friend, Mike, asked me to teach him how to bake it. It was meant to be a gift to show-off to his then-I-Want-Her-To-Be-My-Girlfriend friend who supposedly, loves Food for the Gods. Up until then, I had only tasted …